Perspective on Tournaments
I hear too often these sorts of comments "I want to take it slow for my tournament tomorrow?" "This is a really important tournament." And many more similar phrases. I want to put this into a different story to try and shake out the fallacy.
On my way to a super high paying job with Microsoft I need to go over a few hurdles. And even though I have done them, no one is overly anxious to hear about them.
For example, in my interview, no one asks if first grade was tough. Or if I took a little bit of time to master algebra. They don't ask if my first crush got in the way of my studying a little bit. And although these might have been "huge " events in my life, they make no difference to the interviewer. He does not even ask how my eight grade test scores were.
The point I am trying to make here is to play for development. Your first finals, or win, or national championship are all wonderful personal achievements, but they do nothing more than justify your process.
They show you whether you are making the right choices, or if you need to adjust. And come Monday, you make the necessary adjustments to your process, and train just as hard if not harder than before.